Investing in Workplace Wellbeing Initiatives

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Unlock Your Wellbeing Blog

Investing in Workplace Wellbeing Initiatives

The Benefits

Your reputation can be enhanced as an employer people WANT to work for – you will be a magnet for those with the skills you need.

This is especially important for Gen Z, who are willing to accept less pay for better conditions and a positive work/life blend. And they will be the first to leave if their wellbeing is not being positively considered.

Increased job satisfaction leads to increased productivity and accuracy, reduced absenteeism and presenteeism.

Happier staff are more creative and innovative which may well be key to your industry

Work CAN be a cause of stress and mental illness.
Work CAN be a cause of positive mental wellbeing and recovery.

What can an employer do to improve workplace culture to make it more positive and healthier?

(See our previous Blog explaining what we mean by toxic cultures)

If you want your workforce to be the best it can be, create an environment that sustains wellbeing. That means focussing on:

  • A positive culture in your workplace.
  • Employee voice – what mechanisms do you have for this to be heard?
  • Inclusion – make sure your communication doesn’t exclude anyone
  • Job quality – realistic deadlines, reasonable workloads, using skills
  • Good management – leadership with good communication, including listening.

Understand mental health and the impact of Line Managers on the mental health of your workforce.

Evidence shows that Managers play a key role in reducing stress and poor mental health. 70% of an employee’s motivation is influenced by their manager (Gallup) yet most Managers have no training and feel ill-equipped for tasks such as difficult conversations about mental health issues – either their own or their staffs.

Better Leaders/Managers are those with High Emotional Intelligence

That means they are aware of emotions in themselves and others, have empathy, are able to regulate their emotions and understand stressors and triggers.

Unlock Your Wellbeing’s solutions are the following:

Assess and reduce workplace stress – a key indicator of mental health safety and part of your “Duty of Care” – Health & Safety at work Act 1974.  Complete a Stress Assessment and repeat regularly to see progress, identify pinch points and take action.

Personal Wellbeing Plans (PWP) – a way for wellbeing to be discussed in 1:1’s and to demonstrate that Line Managers take their staff that employee wellbeing seriously. (Ask us for a Template PWP)

Wellbeing Champions

Appoint a Steering Group of people who are passionate about positive wellbeing and can guide the organisation – using the lens of wellbeing on practices, decisions, strategies etc. A range of seniority, from Senior Leadership Team to lowest level, representation from the workplace (male/female, age, race etc). Provide plenty of ways for the employee voice to be heard. Encourage data gathering, wellbeing surveys etc.  They can take the lead on all kinds of wellbeing initiatives, including awareness raising – e.g., “days of the year” like World Mental Health Day (October 10th) and blending physical and mental wellbeing, which are inextricably linked.

Mental Health Training

  1. Mental Health Awareness for everyone – part of the induction for new starters and a catch up for everyone else. We deliver our own Mental Health Awareness course as well as the Mental Health First Aid England Awareness course – both half day workshops
  2. Line Managers – Managing Mental Health training – ALL line managers to have this – and ongoing development of the necessary skills. Improve their knowledge of mental health and their confidence in helping someone who may be struggling, as well as their Listening Skills. We deliver the very effective i-act Managing Mental Health one day training and the MHFA England One Day course for workplaces.
  3. Mental Health First Aiders – just as important as physical first aiders. Aim for at least 1 : 10 and ensure a good representation of your workforce. We deliver the Gold Standard, Mental Health First Aid England 2-day training course
  4. Understanding of differences and behaviour preferences – everyone has a unique blend of strengths and blind spots. Gaining this understanding of your Team/Workforce can lead to a great improvement if applied. We deliver the Jigsaw Discovery Tool – A fun and interactive day of training with a serious point – increased understanding of ourselves and others. This will help in improved communication and the appreciation of other people’s strengths. Teams need this information to function well.
  5. *Communication – different types of communication hit the mark in different ways for different people – understand this to make your messages more effective. Listening skills, Questioning skills, Courageous Conversations
  6. *Increasing Resilience – providing staff with the insights into strengthening their skills to cope with the inevitable difficulties that will arise
  7. *Stress Management – stress is not always bad, but when it is at too high a level for too long it can become dangerous and is a precursor to all mental illnesses. Providing staff with the skills to manage their own levels of stress will be a positive for them and the organisation.
  8. Other psycho-education such as Emotional First Aid, *self-compassion, *sleep hygiene, *happiness etc. Why? Because we know that more than 70% of people with a diagnosable mental illness get no support at all – preferring to use self-help strategies, Dr Google, or colleagues, family and friends for support. By providing staff with positive and accurate strategies, coping skills and information you will make things better for the individual and those around them – and reduce the possibility of making things worse. This would also include providing sources of help and support for people to be sign posted to if needed.

* Contact us for details of these topics – we deliver as half day, one day and 1-hour Lunch’n’Learn sessions on these topics

Providing the above training will get (and keep) the conversations about wellbeing going and give a powerful message that your employees positive mental health and wellbeing is important to you and as an organisation you CARE.  It will increase psychological safety – people will feel more able to ask for help, not fear making a mistake, understand their colleagues more and make their working experience a more positive one, which will enhance their productivity and YOUR reputation.

You will then be in an informed position to go forward in YOUR workplace – prepared, trained and confident to do the best for your workforce.

e: Anne-marie@UnlockYourWellbeing


—– See our previous Blog.—-

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